Two years ago, when people referred to Oracle IT certificate, they would feel that the one who got it must be very excellent and he usually would be the focus of people’s eyes. But today, when you ask a friend who works in the IT field whether he has got the Oracle 11g certificate, he may exclaim, ‘why should I learn Oracle 11g which is so excessive? There are so many IT certification that many companies won’t approve it.’ This kind of reaction forces us to envisage the present state of IT certification, and is IT certification really that worthless?
IT certification, at the very beginning is that every manufacturers cultured numbers of skilled person who could give skill aid to their own products aiming at promoting them. Examinees take the examinations to get the level of 156-315 certificates, usually by standardized examinations. Similar technique authentications cover almost all the IT fields. The people gaining the certificate could be admitted by manufacturer and employers. Of course, his wage treatment would be matched with the related certification. His wage treatment would be completely improved if he could acquire higher level technical certifications.
Seen from the learning system, at present, many CISSP certifications apply the “two in one” method of combining training organizations and examining organizations together. The lure of payment attracts people’s attention, and many non-computer personnel squeeze in, so that IT certification fever continues to heat up. However, because such certifications are too many, the negative effect is that when a lot of graduates take out the certificate , they get the not entirely agreement of the recruitment staff but accompanied by a kind of suspicion.
Now, every year thousands of people participate in Oracle certification exams, thousands of people participate in Oracle 11g, more and more people participate in HP0-S21 certification exams. In the number of candidates, students and practitioners constitute a major force of testing certification groups. However, the excessive large amount of this kind of certifications lead to the negative effect that when a graduating student take out a lot of certificates, what he receives are not only the appraisal of the employers but also the suspicion of them. The official training regulations of Oracle 11g writes that students of more than two years’ experience are suggested to take part in the training.
That means what training provides are to help student to develop their academic level instead of eliminate illiteracy in IT industry. Then, how do those collage students without any working experience pass the PMI-001 and get PW0-104 certification? Therefore, every kind of way and problem appeare, subject stock, repeating skill, substituting for exam, cheatings would become more obviously and seriously in the management-disorder IT certification world. It is a comfort to see that there is the Oracle certificate which has a really high value. Its high training expense and strict admission system, especially the practical operation pattern allows the trainees to learn something and keeps the original ‘hardness’ of Oracle certificate at the same time. What’s more, it leaves nowhere for the ‘piracy talent’ to hide. Oracle is well known for its strict requirement. Those who have obtained the certificate have received three to four times of training on average. There is no record showing that one has passed the exam upon the first training.
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